Financial Assistance Options for Obtaining Hearing Aids

Financial barriers should not stand in the way of achieving better hearing health. At Munk Hearing Centre in Toronto, we are dedicated to helping individuals access quality hearing aids through a variety of financial assistance programs. Let's explore the financial assistance options available at Munk Hearing Centre.

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Assistive Devices Program (ADP)

The Assistive Devices Program (ADP) offers funding assistance for assistive devices, including hearing aids, to eligible Ontario residents. Our team can guide you through the application process and help you maximize the benefits of this program.

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Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB)

If your hearing loss is a result of a workplace injury, the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) may cover the cost of hearing aids. We can assist you in navigating the WSIB process and accessing the support you need.

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Ceridian Cares

Ceridian Cares provides financial assistance to individuals facing financial hardships. Our partnership with Ceridian Cares allows us to help more individuals access the hearing aids they need.

Social Assistance

Individuals receiving social assistance may be eligible for financial support to obtain hearing aids. Our team can help you explore the options available through social assistance programs.

Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC)

Veterans may qualify for coverage of hearing aids through Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC). We are committed to supporting veterans in accessing the hearing healthcare services they deserve.

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Humm Patient Financing

Humm Patient Financing offers flexible payment plans to help individuals afford hearing aids. With our partnership with Humm, we make it easier for you to invest in your auditory health.


Our exclusive program, HearSoundly, provides affordable monthly payment plans for hearing aids. Through HearSoundly, you can access quality hearing solutions without financial stress.


By taking advantage of these financial assistance options, individuals can overcome financial obstacles and prioritize their auditory health. Our audiologists at Munk Hearing Centre are here to assist you in finding the most suitable financing solution to obtain the hearing aids you need. Contact us to explore these options and begin your journey to improved hearing health.

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